Saturday, November 14, 2009

NETS activity

In September I started working with grade 3-5 ELL newcomers. Most speak very little or no English and without communication skills in Burmese, Russian or Arabic I needed to come up with a fun and creative way to bring down the language barrier, to connect with these students, to build trust and to get to know each other. Mac Kiev Kid Pix Deluxe 3X has been the perfect digital medium to use for their first English, Math & Social Studies lessons that culminated in their first computer project "All About Me". This project has met the following standards:

ISTE Standards & Performance Indicators for Students
Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Performance Indicators for Students
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

Click on Activity Sheet to access the "All About Me" activity description.

What worked?
- Kid Pix was the perfect choice to introduce the ELL newcomers to technology - aside from great visuals and sounds, it contains many universal creative authoring tools & features ranging from Drawing to PodCasting that make it a great program for K-5 students, English speaking or not. What started as a simple "get to know each other" activity idea continues to grow and is going into many different curricular and technological directions, learning how to click the mouse for starters.
- The kids love working on the computer and with every new Kid Pix tool they learn comes another "Kodak" moment! Even the most reserved, quiet student is able to "communicate" when she/he can use digital coloring pencils & paint, stamps, sounds, graphics, animations along with text boxes. They have learned so much in such a short time! So have I ...

What didn't work?
Some are having trouble with the Kid Pix slide show controls so we stuck with default settings I set up in the slide show preferences and KP settings.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading about your NET activity. Your approach is practical yet it may prove to be of great benefit to students and teachers alike. Your willingness to use a technology tool to solve a problem unique to your school is exceptional. It will be interesting to hear your outcomes.
